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Kodiak 100 - Known issues

As of version 1.3.3 my throttle is reversed. What's up?

Users of FSUIPC/SPAD who had created custom throttle assignments are likely to have this problem. The Kodiak now has custom throttle code to control the power lever, so these users will need to refer to the new L:vars document in order to get their custom throttles to work correctly. The custom throttle now uses a range of +100 to -100 percent which corresponts to max power through full reverse, with 0 being idle.

I have the amphibian Kodiak installer open and I'm getting two options to install the airplane. Which one should I choose?

The stand-alone version will install the full Amphibian into your MSFS folder. The "add-on" version is intended to be installed only if you also have the Wheeled Kodiak installed as the amphibian and wheeled variants have a lot of shared files. This is done to minimise installation size.

Why aren't the forward wheels turning on the amphibian?

This is an MSFS limitation that we don't know how to work around yet. The forward wheels are tagged as "left" and "right" gear and based on our tests MSFS only allows nose & tail gears to steer.

My engine cannot reach maximum power, even though the throttle is firewalled.

This is an MSFS bug that can be solved by cycling the inertial separator switch to Bypass and back to OFF. It has been reported to Asobo here: That is a developer-only forum, so please refrain from posting there.

Since SU10 some numbers on the ESI500 are displaced.

This is an MSFS bug that was introduced in Sim Update 5 when using NanoVG. It has been reported to Asobo here: That is a developer-only forum, so please refrain from posting there.

My altitude knob has stopped working.

This problem has been observed with users that use the PMS50 GTN750 as a replacement for the Kodiak's MFD. This is an implementation issue caused by the 750 and we cannot provide any support for it. Removing the 750 mod from the Kodiak is the only known solution.

My engine failed as I was starting. ITT was high, but now I cannot start the engine.

Congratulations, you have blown your engine. As of Kodiak 1.2.0 hot starts are now possible. If you let the engine run too hot you may blow it in a few seconds. Residual ITT will also be simulated as of September 2022. If you start your engine with ITT temperatures above 150 Celsius, you risk a hot start. To cool down the engine, put the starter switch at LO/MOTOR and let it spin (dry-motoring) until the ITT drops below 150 Celsius. Lower is better.

I cannot reset the failed engine by clicking "Restart Flight" in the pause menu.

To reset the engine failure you need to exit to the main menu. That is a limitation of the system and we don't know why it happens. This is the only way to reset a failure.

My engine failed as I was flying. I was above the propeller/Ng limits for some time.

As of Kodiak 1.2.0 running your engine in the red will accumulate fatigue and if done long enough will fail it.

My starter stopped working and I cannot start my engine.

Your starter will fail after about 1500 uses. Starting a flight with the engine running on the runway or mid-air also counts as a use. Before that, there is a slim chance of failure that increases as you get closer to 1500. To reset the failure, exit to main menu and load a new flight.

When trying to start a flight in the Kodiak, I crash to desktop.

The main reason for this is running MSFS in DirectX 12 mode. DX12 is an experimental, incomplete implementation and therefore it could crash for unknown reasons. We recommend not using DX12 with the Kodiak. Another potential reason are nVidia's latest drivers at the time of release. These have been known to cause crashes and FPS problems with MSFS in general, so we would recommend rolling back to the previous version.

The aircraft stalls and cuts left immediately after take-off.

1. Make sure that the plane is loaded within the CG limits of 14-40% MAC. To see this, open the weight & balance window in the simulator. If you don't see the CG schematic, drag the right edge of the window to make it bigger and reveal it.

2.Make sure that your take-off trim is set correctly. If your trim is set incorrectly, your plane will want to pitch up and you are likely to stall quickly. Controls will also feel light. Trim range for the Kodiak is:

--0% at 14% CG

--75% forward at 40% CG

After turning on electrical power, the trim wheel moves forward.

As the Kodiak has an electrically-powered trim motor, when the plane is loaded for the first time with power off, the trim will be at 0. When power is turned on, then the trim moves to its default position. That is a limitation that we cannot work around.

No trim or flap indication on the G1000 MFD

That is a limitation of the default G1000 that we cannot work around. Flap position can be seen on the pedestal. For elevator trim, we have introduced a white line on the trim wheel as a stop-gap. When pointing up, it is neutral. Forward is down, back is up. The default G1000 does not indicate Aileron trim as we couldn't fit it in the display. Aileron trim can be seen as a tooltip on the switch.

I don't see passengers in the Summit/Skydive interior.

There are no passengers in the Summit and Skydive interiors, for performance reasons.

The aircraft pulls to the left when trying to climb up a steep slope.

This is a limitation of the ground handling model in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Even if the nose wheel is turned, the sim does not consider static friction or its effectiveness correctly until a minimum forward speed has been reached. We considered reducing the P-Factor but, because the Kodiak has a strong pull, that would render the flight model unrealistic in 99% of the runways. Inclines can be climbed with right pedal input but the angle will be limited by weight. A lightly loaded aircraft can taxi up Lukla easily, but don't expect to do it at maximum weight without a running start.

The G1000 screens are very dim.

Use the "MENU" button on the G1000 to adjust the brightness of the G1000 displays.

With the NXi, LVL mode does not level the plane and switches to ROLL.

This appeared after version 0.10 of the NXi. With Kodiak 1.2.0 we applied a custom fix and will keep looking into it.

After an update to the NXi, indications are now off-position.

As the G1000 NXi is a mod and updated more frequently than the core simulator, it is possible that such issues will arise with newer versions. Please wait until we can issue an update.

Categories: Kodiak 100
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